February 22, 2011

FUNDING: European Neighbourhood programme (ECF)

ECF is a catalyst that builds bridges through culture. We have long focused on strengthening collaboration within countries, between countries and across Europe.

We will continue to invest in the next generation of cultural organisations and actors in EU neighbourhood countries by helping develop their capacities and build networks through to 2012 and beyond. This process aims to enrich Europe by connecting the voices, skills and potential of those who often feel disconnected with the rest of Europe.

Our European Neighbourhood programme works in close collaboration with local partners. We are specifically focusing on the Arab-Mediterranean region, Moldova, Turkey, Ukraine and Belarus during 2010 – 2012.

The programme aims are to build a network of individuals and cultural organisations working for change in specific neighbourhood countries (mentioned above) who are hubs within their artistic communities; to stimulate co-development among the hubs and connections with EU-based art communities and political institutions and to enable the hubs to articulate their policy needs at all levels – from regional to European.

Programme activities

  • Organise regional meetings between European Neighbourhood partners and guests from the EU
  • Develop and launch a new exchange scheme for skills exchange and partnership development across the EU and the European Neighbourhood - specifically Moldova and Ukraine (see below)
  • Providing start-up funding for regional hub initiatives – also when in conjunction with local communities
  • Organise regular capacity building programmes and networking opportunities in the neighbourhood region

New exchange scheme - Tandem

We recently launched a new scheme called Tandem in conjunction with partners. It is an opportunity for cultural professionals from European Union countries and cultural professionals from Moldova, Turkey and Ukraine to exchange skills, network, and get a fresh insight into developing partnerships. The deadline has now closed for the scheme with Moldova and Ukraine, but will open for the scheme connecting with Turkish and EU cultural professionals in early April 2011.

For more information on our work click through below and contact Jotham Sietsma, Project Officer, European Neighbourhood programme - jsietsma[@]eurocult.org


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