February 5, 2014

European Youth Media Days 2014 (special edition): Voice of Youth, reporting on the European Youth Event – call for editorial team

he European Youth Event (EYE), which will take place in Strasbourg in May, will gather around 5,000 youngsters from all over Europe. These active young people will be discussing the economic, social and political situation of the European Union through different themes: Digital Revolution and Data Protection, Youth Unemployment, Sustainable Development, Future of Europe, and Europe as a Global Player. The European elections in 2014 will be the next historical mark for the European Union. If these elections were to reflect that the EU does not succeed in engaging closer with its citizens and making visible how they can contribute to the European project its democratic foundation would become increasingly weak. What does the young generation think of the European Union's performance?

The participants of the European Youth Media Days (EYMD) 2014 special edition: Voice of Youth will report from the event, preparing the special report and multimedia documentation that will later on be handed to newly elected members of European Parliament.

We are looking for an editorial team that will facilitate the production of this report. The editorial team will consist of one editor in chief and one copy editor.

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