July 19, 2013

TRAINING / WORKSHOPS: Roma citizen journalism training program BUVERO

Buvero started!

On 17th of July Romedia Foundation has started a groundbreaking and inspirational citizen journalism training program called BUVERO. This training for young Romani women from all over Hungary will be held in Dunabogdány and finish on the 1st of August. During the training these 12 young women will gain knowledge about media, film making, story telling and they will develop their own short movies. On their first day they had the opportunity to meet Károly Mágó, a successful reporter and learn how to introduce themselves on several media platforms. This program will provide the participants with tools any young journalist should have, and work towards creating a better understanding of Romani culture.

From today you can expect new videos, articles, stories and updates every day. You can follow the training and support the participants by sharing their work and effort. The intensive training started with excitement from the first day and here you can see small part of it.
Let's support the young Roma women who are brave enough to raise their voices!

See part of the 1st day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpVY1pyrGfg

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