October 19, 2012

CALL FOR ENTRIES: Open contest 2012: Make a change' (in the life of Roma)

How to take part? 
  • Submit a photo or a video as a report on the RomaReact map
  • To submit a report, you will need a Facebook account
  • This is the page where you can add your report: http://romareact.org/reports/submit;
  • if you need help filling in the report, email us: romareact@gmail.com
  • Once your report is submitted, wait to hear the results, and if you win, we will see you in Brussels ;)
What is this about?
RomaReact.org is looking for the agents of change in Roma communities. Mainly young people who come from Roma communities and also become successful in the non-Roma world either through education or business enterpreneurship. We are an interactive website building a global online community seeking social change and justice. You are warmly welcome to join the RomaReact Family and take part in our first exciting contest. We are extremely proud to have received the donation from Neelie Kroes herself, the Vice President of the European Union in charge of the Digital Agenda of European Union. Help us make the change with RomaReact! Share your views, opinions, initiatives on the RomaReact platform!
For the first time RomaReact.org is hosting an Open ‘CONTEST 2012: Make a Change (in the life of Roma)'. Contest is open for all of you who want to share Roma realities and to challenge stereotypes and prejudices that Roma face today. We also want to support you in your effort leading to a change of lives of individuals, groups or all community.
We are opening the Contest in two categories:
1) short video and description\ story in writing,
2) picture/photography and description\ story in writing
We want you to join us because the future of our communities and peaceful co-living depends on you!

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