April 11, 2012

OPPORTUNITIES: The Monteverde New Media Expedition

A new media expedition?

  • expand your media skills
  • support restoration of habitats
  • support conservation of endangered species
  • support the livelihoods of local people
  • help extend the Bellbird Biological Corridor into schools and homes worldwide
Costa Rica’s Monteverde cloud forest is one of the most biologically diverse places on our planet. But like wild places around the world, its fragile ecosystems are under enormous stress.
Come join our new media expedition in Costa Rica this July 8th-21st to expand your new media production skills, while helping to create a sustainable environment for animals, plants, and people.
During a one or two-week program, you’ll work with journalists, educators, artists and travelers who’ll create a multimedia project for local conservation and community groups working on the “Bellbird Biological Corridor”– a project to reforest & re-connect a patchwork of forests, farms and communities from the Monteverde cloud forest down to the Pacific Ocean.
The goal of the expedition is to digitally illustrate the ecosystems and communities in the corridor — through short documentary filmmaking, digital animation & mapping, photos, audio and educational resources –  and make these tools accessible locally and to homes and classrooms worldwide.  By creating networks of learning and support, we will join forces with local communities to protect ecosystems and endangered species, and ultimately, the health of our planet.

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