July 31, 2008

ARTICLES / INTERNET: Parents don't watch kids online (UK)

Parents don't watch kids online
July 30, 2008

The majority of children in the UK are not being monitored while they surf the net.

With the summer holidays in full swing and children enjoying an extended break from school and studies a new survey reveals that parents are largely unaware of what sites children are visiting.

Research by BroadbandChoices.co.uk showed that 84 per cent of parents in the UK rely on a verbal agreement with their children as the primary way of monitoring online activity.

The same survey asked surfers aged 11-16 how they spend their online time during the holidays.

Nearly half said they download music, 45 per cent use chat rooms to make new friends online and 40 per cent use social-networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace.

full article

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